Saturday, November 22, 2008

I got a feeling 21 is gonna be a good year

It was my half-birthday on Wednesday. I am now, officially, 21 going on 22. Yes! Wahoooo!

Today I went to a baby shower for a girl I was good friends with in high school. She sat on the couch next to another common friend who was married and next to her was a friend who had a thirteen month old baby. I sat amongst friends, there were seven highschool friends including me. Five are married, one is almost engaged, two have children and one is pregnant. Did I tell you how old I am? I am only twenty one. I am too young to go to baby showers where I am the only single female.

I just heard Neil Young's full length album from his live concert in 1965, or something, and it was amazing. "You can't be twenty on sugar mountain, though your thinking that your leaving there too soon." Perhaps this baby shower was my way of being escorted off sugar mountain. But am I ready to leave?

This is from an awesome site called

3 stamps of approval:

kelsey said...

I know what you mean. I feel like you are my only unmarried friend from high school. We've got to stick together Sydney, we're a dying bread.

Jenna said...

Sydney, Sydney, Sydney. To the rest of the world, you are one of the normal ones. It's all a matter of perspective.

It was good to see you. I have missed your sense of humor.

Darla said...

I hear you girl! I have friends that have households full of kids...I just got married at 25 and am in no rush to have kids! We need to tell some people to CALM DOWN and just be single and have experiences!