This may be the the most profound blog I have every stumbled upon. It takes some scrolling to appreciate and I honestly think it is a generational thing. I shared this with some of my freshmen students. They didn't get it. I do hope you understand the beauty. This is a good taste if you don't have to the time to scroll.
Today I went to a workshop about social change. I feel, more than ever, that maybe I can actually do something worthwhile.
But what does it mean to 'change the world?'
Dear World,
Sometimes I tell myself that I am going to change you, because I do not like the current state you are in. You allow for women to be oppressed, children to be enslaved, and machines to trample on your skin, destroying the resources that allow us to live. I think it's time for you to take some accountability and think about your actions. Ready or not, here I come
P.S. really? you couldn't have done something about the weather?
... I walk with my cap and gown in four weeks. Finally a college graduate. I would say to any reader of my blog is thinking about doing college, it's really hard. I wish I had cared more about my GPA (but i still don't), grad schools would like me more if I had cared, but i had a lot of really good experiences that they will hopefully care more about. My two friends, Trent and Chelsea are getting married (not to each other) in arizona in the beginning of may and I haven't been there for a year and half. That is the longest since my family moved there back in '89. I hope to see all of my old friends like Amber, Keith, Chelsea, Zac, Shauna, and I wish Stacie. Leaving Arizona to go to Utah is one thing, but leaving Utah to go wherever means real seperation. After their weddings, I am going to be a bridesmaid for Kirsten's wedding in Portland. It is after that that I will be embarking on my post-graduation adventures like going to Malaysia to intern with a woman's organization through ProLiteracy. I know, right? Malaysia! I would say more about what I am going to be doing, but I honestly don't know. But I do know that my blog will be exciting again with pictures of the rain forest and water (what?). And then after that it's still a suprise to me.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Mr. Timberlake, I present Sexy People
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hunger Feast 3000
I just had one of the biggest weeks of the academic career. I presented in the Inquiry Conference this past Friday. At 2:20pm in the Kennedy Center I stood up in front of a few of my peers and some of my professors and finally confessed about what I had been doing in India. It was exhilarating. I had taken a year's worth of preparation with classes, field work and post-field write up. Finally, I was presenting my research in front of audience that wanted to hear. I am positive that when I was a freshman, and I thought of my future as a college student, presenting at a conference was not on the agenda. In fact, the place I am in now is so different than i could have ever imagined.
Just ten minutes after my presentation I ran over to the Wilkinson Center to start the set up of Hunger Banquet. I could go into elaborate detail about both nights but most of all I want to say that it was amazing, it was more better than I could have expected. I realize the word 'amazing' is over used. I mean the Hunger Banquet made me feel like I could do good in the world. It reaffirmed to me that there are sick and starving people, my brothers and sisters, all over the world. I can sit in a classroom or sit and read a book and listen over and over to the awful statistic that one sixth of the world only function of one dollar a day. I am not shocked, but I don't feel good inside. It is like this... if i choose to sit one more day while the injustice of poverty and genocide ravage the earth, i will be held accountable for my inability to act. The Hunger Banquet empowers me and gives me hope. The monies that were raised on the Hunger Banquet are going to be distributed to organizations that are most effective in effecting a change that really matter, giving others freedom.
Post HB, I feel relieve, I feel grateful, but most of all I feel hope.This is what the ballroom looked like before...
This is what looked like when filled with people
These are all the beautiful people that made it happen, we could not have done it without them
These are the two people I have been privileged to work with for my duration as SID c0-president. I love them.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I have a best friend
Her name is Chaela McDonald. She supports me in all of my doings. I think if each person could be a friend like her the world would be a better place. She is kind, thoughtful and truly concerned for me. We always have a good time. You should check her out at the Hunger Banquet this weekend. She will be the one eating something delicous looking like a tourist and probably stepping on you.